
Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Spontaneity Strikes!

So I was adding some technical touches to Subterranean late yesterday and whilst in the process of procrastinating with the guitar I happened upon a nice little chord progression. Nothing outstanding there I hear you say (or am I hearing voices again?) but I also simultaneously thought of an accompanying vocal melody. This is a rare thing for me, as when writing I almost always think of the chords first and then spend the next few weeks/months/year trying to get the right vocal melody. Not so this time. So, without a second to spare I quickly set up the ol' Mac and recorded the guitar together with the tune what was in my 'ed. It's just a 2 minute demo so far (gimmeabreakwillya, I only thought of it yesterday) but I can hear a lot of potential and kind of know where it should be taken. It's most likely to be the closing song of the album, if I can get that 12-piece choir that is (I am semi-joking...see, only one side of my face is smiling and I haven't had a stroke or nuffink).

I'm enjoying the fact that my creative juices seem to be splurging all over the shop lately. You best mind your step....

The song is most likely to be definitely called maybe possibly "Nothing is Lost."  It starts off a bit melancholic (is that depression for babies?  "ooh little Tommy's very down about his windy pops lately, he hasn't even touched his milk today, he's really not himself") and the aim is to lift the whole song up in the 2nd half with rousing strings and a euphoric chorus.  We'll see whether it get's there.
Peace out.

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