Switchback started first as nothing but a title and a concept. The concept being a song that was not overly long, was a bit rockier to balance out the album's mix and one which would start with a verse and end with a verse. The latter conceit hasn't quite come off.
I'm deep in the midst of refining this one, (and not polishing the proverbial poo, I hope). It's a toughy though as I'm using more programmed drums (as opposed to loops) as a conscious effort for diversity (the quality, not the hip new dance troupe) and it's a steep learning curve. In fact, it's kind of doing my head in.
I'm also struggling to record this song with guitar tones that sound unique, not too processed and, you know, good.
I'm pretty much there with the song structure I think (verse 1 - chorus - verse 2 - chorus - middle 8 - chorus) as it works well for this kind of song, short and to the point. It's not coming easily this one though, so it's a similar effort to Into the Night, where a decent song was born out of an iterative process of chipping/remoulding/peeling the onion and any other bad metaphors you care to add.
I'm not sure why I've left Acres to last. I think it's a fairly decent "ballad" with a nice guitar chord refrain. I'm worried it's going to sound too similar to Subterranean as it appears to capture that same mood or atmosphere. But It's only a demo I have in place thus far, just something as a template for structure, so it's early days. Once Acres is done it's on to re-recording Tides and Safest Place to Be. Both of which need a decent middle 8.
On another note, I believe I have finally settled on a vocal mic that works in my humble bedroom studio set up. The winner being the Shure SM7B. A dynamic mic originally purposed to be a broadcasting mic, but which provides vocal clarity to LOUD singing without picking up bad room sound. Perfect for me really. Here's a pic -
And here's a pick of me using it Bono stylie -
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