
Monday, 10 January 2011

With best intentions

Ok, so I missed the 1.1.11 deadline. I tried, I really did but inevitably things like artwork, mastering and my laziness inevitably stalled my best endeavors.
Anyhoo, the mastering session is now completed and I anticipate the master cd to arrive this week. In the meantime the artwork is being finalized. And by finalized I mean I am learning how to use adobe Photoshop elements and thusly in a never-ending cycle of correcting my own mistakes. Fun.
I've found a company that duplicates CDs and artwork at a low volume (a 'little' below the minimum 1000 most companies offer) so should have the final, tangible product in my hands by the end of the month. Pretty exciting. Well, for me at least.

I'm finding it very hard to be objective about the overall impression of the songs themselves now as I've heard them A LOT. The Mrs and neighbours no doubt feel much the same. Whatever the opinion others have, I can at least say I've achieved what I set out to do. Having other people dig it would be a bonus though.

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